foot tattoo designs
Here, You will see we have investigated deeply about different foot tattoo designs. It is not necessary to tell you that Feet tattoo designs are becoming increasingly popular amongst girls now a days.
We think foot is the most sought after place amongst girls for tattooing after lower back. There are so many reasons behind the popularity of this kind of tattoo design such as size. We think foot is the best place for getting small tattoos.
As you can easily conceal as well show your tattoo if you having it on your foot. It is one reason behind its popularity. You may know that tattoos on foot looks very feminine, girly as well as cute. Girls want femininity in their tattoos so foot obviously come in their mind when they go for tattoos.
Definitely foot tattoos are highly advisable for girls only but their are few designs available for guys also. We highly recommend small stars or animal sign for guys foot. But actually guys they deserve for girls because of their beautiful foot. There are so many other designs available for you.
Let's see on this girl having beautiful hibiscus flowers inked on her beautiful feet. Girls! we think you must give priority to flowers for tattooing your foot. As you already know flowers on your body look colorful, feminine as well as cute.