sugar skull tattoo
People long time ago had been very expressive when it came to rituals and celebrations. The indigenous people in South America during pre-Spanish colonization used skull for rituals in honor for the dead. The ancient ritual then became the source of inspiration for people in the modern world to use sugar skull tattoo in the festivity to remember those loved-ones who already departed.
As sugar plantations then are of great economic sources, enslaved Meso-Americans were forced to embrace a new culture through making sugar skull tattoos. The abundance of sugar led early Meso-Americans to maintain celebrating life and death in a new way to revive the tradition which almost turned extinct when Christianity began to flourish.
The printing of sugar skull tattoo into a specific part of the body like the forehead is often recognized by Mexicans during November 1 and 2. During All Saint’s Day, Mexican people offer a celebration for young citizens who have died right through the year. The All Soul’s Day, on the other hand, is for the adults who have rested.
The most common symbol during the holiday is the skull. The skull is an expression of death or renewal of life for people who want to forget their misdeeds. Imprinting sugar skull tattoos then became a concept that fused Christian and nomadic principles.